Sunday, March 14, 2021

Traveling Time

I hope you all are doing well. It’s hard to believe the pandemic started one year ago this week and it became real to me when I started sewing masks for my grandchildren. I remember it being very upsetting to think that they would have to experience this. Now hopefully we are coming out the other side of it. And after making 178 masks, I’m ready to stop making them.

Bob and I have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and our bodies handled it well. In a couple of days we’ll be past the 2 weeks post-shot and can consider ourselves immune, or a least safe from a serious case.

Our daughter, Emily has had her baby! Little Luca was born Thursday afternoon at home, with his family around him. At 8 lbs, 13 ounces, he’s a good sized little fellow, and mother and baby are doing well.

I can’t wait to meet him, which I’ll be doing on Friday because I’m flying to Idaho to visit and help out for a few days. The timing here was immunity had to be complete and we will be getting the motor home out of storage in a week and a half in preparation for our trip east, so there really was no wiggle room with our dates. I’m so excited! Bob really wanted to come but we decided it would be best if he and Auggie stayed back. Auggie is 15 years old now and we don’t think he’d handle the stress of a plane ride very well.

I’ve been knitting, sewing, and weaving like crazy the past several months. Here’s what I sent off to Luca:

A pin loom baby blanket

A tiny teddy bear, a crocheted doughnut rattle, booties, hat, mittens, a little mouse...

...and some Norwex baby items. Some things I forgot to photograph. Today I made him some pants. But they are a surprise so I can’t show you.

Bob made Luca a wooden baby rattle—it’s beautiful.

Bob has been busy making other things as well. Here he’s working on a bowl, and you can see the wishing well he built for our front yard. He made the bucket, too!

And here is the handle he made for one of my favorite spatulas. 

Once I get back from Idaho we’ll start loading up the motor home and closing down the house. It’s a big job. I don’t leave any food in Arizona, and most of our clothes will come as well. Even though we’ll be heading into summer we may hit some cold weather on our way back this fall. And I bring a lot of crafting things as well. Ah well...

We are looking forward to our trip across country. Stay tuned! I’ll be blogging more often as we get back on the road.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your plans. We are starting to think about a trip this summer. A couple of weeks until my second shot! I actually think it might be a challenging transition for this introvert.
