Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome 2021

 I need not tell you how happy we all are to see the end of 2020. I have not really been in the mood to write a blog post since, like many of you, we seem stuck in a “Groundhog Day” loop of repeating the same day over and over again. Only the projects we are working on change, and I do wonder how interesting it is to read about them! However, it is pretty much all we have unless we focus on the thousands of people dying every day from this terrible disease. I lost a good friend this week to Covid-19. The last words she was able to text me were, “Covid is fast and mean.” I miss her terribly and keep thinking of things throughout the day to share with her before remembering she is gone. 

Goodbye my friend.

Nevertheless, Bob and I have stayed busy this season. We had a lovely Thanksgiving meal this year from Green New American Restaurant in Tempe. They cook a take-out meal that is delicious and vegan. 

We have enjoyed our deck and some lovely weather.

The Christmas lights in the park are beautiful, despite the fact that some people have not returned. Bob and I had fun walking around and seeing the pretty displays. It inspired us to up our game and do a little more decorating, too. I’ll try and get a picture of them before we take them down.

I found this cast iron bell and Bob built a mount for it so that folks can stand at the bottom of our steps and ring to get our attention.

Bob continues to explore new woodworking techniques and made me this lovely jewelry box.

He also built a Christmas shelf for some of our holiday figures. It hangs on the back of our kitchen island and will be removed after New Years Day until next Christmas. I tried to get a picture of it with little battery tea lights twinkling.

Most of my projects have been making little gifts, so I can’t how them here, but here are a few things I finished. 

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year.