Friday, April 28, 2017

Snow? No Way!

Bob and I have been watching a weather front moving towards us, and this morning the forecasters were predicting 8-12" of snow in the area where we were heading. Nope--not going there! Time for a change of plans. After a check of the national weather map we decided to head south to Roswell, NM. It was a very good decision. We left as temperatures in the 50s were dropping in Albuquerque and arrived in Roswell where it was in the low 80s. We may see a little rain here tonight and tomorrow but it's nothing to the rain and temps in the 30s that Albuquerque is supposed to have.

I called the campgrounds where we had reservations and cancelled without any problems. Our plan is now to hang around here in Roswell and see the local sights before heading east and then north again in a few days.

Bob noticed that one of our bay doors wasn't latching properly so he climbed inside to see what was going on.

A little fiddling and he was able to fix it. It's so nice to have a handy hubby!

I spent some time warping up my 20" wide Ashford Knitters Loom for a set of towels. All ready to start weaving.

It feels good to have a warp on a loom.


  1. Trisha...Roswell was a good choice! We have three inches of snow here tonight with more predicted for tonight and tomorrow. The high for our area tomorrow afternoon is supposed to be 35. Unfortunately, this is not all that unusual for April in New Mexico. I was just hoping we'd get lucky this year.

    Oooh...I'm so jealous! I want to warp my Saori for some towels and my yarn for that kind of project is still in Tucson. I'll have to order some before I can start. Love the colors of yours.

  2. Thanks Linda! I'm looking forward to weaving this.

    We are really glad we left when we did. Stay warm!
