Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Projects Finished and Washer Toss

I've been spending time on a new project. On our weaving group on Ravelry we have a WAL (Weave A-Long) going. A WAL is like a challenge to do a project that fits the rules specified. This WAL asks you to weave cloth that uses three colors: black, white, plus one more color. No other colors are to be used. I pulled together some cones of weaving thread and chose mint green as my third color, and quickly warped up my 12" Ashford Knitters Loom to weave a pair of roller towels. It took me a little over a day to finish weaving the cloth.
 And here is one of the finished towels, hemmed and with Kam Snaps added for closures.
Details: warp length was 113". Width in reed was 11". I used 8/2 cotton, doubled in each slot and hole, with one white thread used as weft.  I ended up with two towels 20" long (40" when not fastened) and 9" wide.

I also finished weaving my blue and white Baltic band yesterday.
This will go into my collection of woven bands that I have for whenever I need one. You'd be surprised at how often I need a band, and I usually can find exactly what I need in my stash.

I haven't talked much about our 17 1/2 year old cat, KC, lately. He's what is known as a "reluctant traveller," but does enjoy staying in one place for months at a time. He loves that Auggie doesn't pester him so much anymore, and that he has laps to sit in whenever he wants. The one thing he's been wishing for, however, is to be able to go outside to sit with us. So this week I rigged up a harness and attached a long leash, and he came outside to enjoy the fresh air. At first he explored a bit.
Then, being no dummy, he waited until Bob went into the coach and appropriated his chair. Ah yes, this is the life!
We went out the next day and purchased a nice new harness that's easier to get on him, so he'll be able to enjoy this treat often.

Bob and I like to go for a walk together in the evenings, and on our walk the other night we saw four fellows playing a game. We stopped to watch and ask questions.
The game consisted of two wooden boxes, 12" X 12" X 4" high, with a piece of 4" pipe cut 4" high in the center. The boxes were about 20' apart. Each player took turns tossing three huge (1") washers into the opposing box. A player got 1 point if his washer landed within one washer-width from the box. Two points for landing in the box. And three points for landing inside the pipe.
You can see here that one set of washers has been painted to distinguish one team from another. These guys were playing USA vs Canadians. I'm not sure who won.
The scoring was kept on this handy stick. Very clever! I Googled this game and there are official rules. You can buy the game pieces if you didn't want to make them, but it looks easy to make yourself. 

We are thinking that this would be a fun game to play with the grandkids. Maybe their parents, too. And a fun woodworking project if the little ones wanted to help.

Bob has been working hard on a project for the upcoming Mardi Gras celebration here at the park. And golfing. Last week he golfed three times--once with our friend, Ron, once with the "9-ers" group and once in a tournament.

We don't celebrate Valentine's Day much, since our anniversary is five days before, but will most likely go out for an ice cream. Have a happy Valentines Day, dear blog reader!

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