Monday, October 1, 2018

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!

Yesterday (Sunday afternoon) we got the call—Emily was in labor. Bob and I went to the house and spent a lovely afternoon playing with Emily and Anthony’s two beautiful daughters. Emily and Anthony walked around the neighborhood to help labor progress.
Eve and Quinn had fun taking pictures of each other with their camera.
At 5:40 we got the call from the midwives upstairs. It was time. Two pushes and the baby was out.

His parents have named him Silas.
Silas was born at home with his dad, two sisters, grandmother (yours truly) and two midwives present. Bob stayed downstairs with their dog, Ella, but was very happy to see his handsome grandson after Emily was tucked up into bed.
It was a beautiful birth.

Plans are to remain in NJ until October 8th when we will head west and south to Mesa, AZ.

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