To be honest, we didn't really expect much from this park. We left the motorhome at 7:15 am and it took us about 35 minutes to get to the park. The best time (we were told) to see animals was either dawn or dusk, and we had missed dawn, so we figured we had also missed our chance to see animals.
Not so! We saw hundreds of bison, two groups of burros, deer, prairie dogs, and pronghorns.
Bison have always fascinated me. As a teenager, I used to visit my high school French teacher's bison farm, not far from our home. Germaine St. Maurice and her husband, Arthur J. St. Maurice owned Willow Brook Farm in Southborough, Massachusetts and raised buffalo. As a French teacher, Mme. St. Maurice was strict but fair, and I can still remember her standing in the doorway to French class. Each student who walked in front of her to enter the room had to say "excusez moi" or else was dragged back by the collar until they excused themselves. A good leason to learn.
But I digress into my memories, and you, dear blog reader, are probably more interested in my travels today. So I will show you some more photos, n'est pas?

We couldn't get enough of this place. In fact, Bob and I plan to return one evening in hopes of catching a glimpse of some elk, mountain goats, or maybe even a mountain lion. Fingers crossed!
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