Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Shopping Cart Cover for Auggie

Today I finished my little sewing project, a doggy shopping cart cover.  We shop a lot at Walmart and find that no one minds if we bring Auggie. But I don't feel comfortable having him sit in the seat where people set their fruits and vegetables (I know, I am very considerate) so I decided to make a shopping cart cover.  There are a lot of free tutorials online for human ones but in the end I just came up with something myself. I had a piece of faux suede fabric with "sheepskin" on the back.  It was a remnant, about 60" wide by 30" long.  I wanted about 45" square, so I cut it to 45" wide, then pieced the part I cut off to the top and bottom.
Because the pieced top and bottom were not wide enough I trimmed it to make an octogon shape.  Now it is about 45" x 45".

Next I took about 2 1/2 yards of 3/8" braided elastic and, using a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine, I stretched the elastic as I sewed it along the edge, thus making the gathers.  This fabric does not fray so no need to finish the raw edges.

OK, you are going to have to use a little imagination here, because I have not tried it on a cart yet.  But I am sure it will fit.  Here is what it looks like when it is finished. Basically looks like a big blob.
The elastic edges will go all around the back, sides, and front of the cart seat.  Note that there are no leg holes like a cover for a baby to use. This made it super simple. Bob thinks it looks way too big but I think it will work just fine.

I am sure that other shoppers will be impressed with my thoughtfulness when I bring Auggie to Walmart, and Auggie will be much more comfortable.

Today we were invited to a WOW party, which stands for Welcome to Our World, thrown by the staff of the Good Life RV Resort.  It was a very nice party for the new people in the park, and most of us had come in on the same day a week ago.  They served a selection of wine, beer, and soda as well as fried shrimp, crudites, fruit cup and cookies.  We all got to know the others at each table, and everyone introduced themselves to the group. It was very nice.

We leave tomorrow, and I think we are going to the RV repair place.  Bob will call them tomorrow and double check.  If not, we will be finding somewhere else to stay and will probably be on our way west.  Stay tuned!

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