Sunday, June 14, 2015

Indie's First Day

Little Indiana Jones has only been part of my daughter's family for 24 hours but he is already firmly entranced into the clan. He only has had one housebreaking accident (at night in his crate) and is getting used to the cats, Auggie, and children.
He's pretty special, this guy! It's too bad he is so dark that it is hard to get a good shot of him.

Today was so hot and muggy. I took a trip to the Cherry Hill Wegmans with the heat and crowded parking lot and store just wearing me down. Now I remember why I dislike summers in NJ. The humidity just makes it no fun. As I write this it is raining so hopefully the weather will cool down a bit. I am so glad we have 50 amps so we can run all our air conditioners.

I am enjoying my little one cup Mellita coffee maker. It makes a very good cup of coffee and takes up very little room in my kitchen. Bob mixes regular coffee and decaf equally for his pot; I only drink one cup but it must be decaffeinated so this is perfect. And it was only $5 at Walmart. I had considered getting a Keurig but this was a less expensive and smaller solution.  And the coffee is cheaper than k-cups, too. It takes a #2 coffee filter and uses 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 8 oz of water.

I do pop the cup into the microwave for 20 seconds after I add milk, because I like my coffee hot.

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