Friday, July 10, 2015

Ring Removal and New Campers

I have been having some trouble sleeping lately, worried about the two rings on my right hand. I noticed a few days ago that I had a little flare up of eczema which was causing my ring ringer to swell. My rings have always been snug, but now they were very tight and it felt like they were getting tighter. I was starting to wonder if I might have to have them cut off if there was any more swelling, since the knuckle was now really big.

If you Google how to remove a too-tight ring you will see videos on using elastic or dental floss, wrapping it from the far end of the knuckle around the finger until it is up to the ring. Then either shove the end under the ring and pull the ring off as you unwind or else slide the ring off over the binding. I tried both without success. Then I got a flash in my mind of an image of the twill tape I bought last week. I wrapped the twill tape tightly around the finger, then suspended my hand for five minutes. After that, I unwrapped the tape, quickly greased up the knuckle with Vaseline, and pulled the ring off. The binding plus the elevation of the hand reduced the size of the knuckle temporarily and did the trick.

At noontime my daughter Kristen arrived with our new campers, Quinn and Ben, who will replace Adam and Alex and will be here until Monday. Everyone had lunch and took a quick dip in the pool before Kristen left with the first set of campers.

We have some fun activities planned for the weekend!

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