Sunday, May 31, 2015

Weaving a Band and a Visit With Catherine

A few days ago I started weaving this band on a backstrap loom and did not get very far before I decided I would prefer to weave it on my Ashford Knitters Loom, as I was unable to find a good spot in the motorhome with which to attach the far end of the warp. For me, it is just easier to use a frame. I chose the AKL over the smaller Ashford Sample-It Loom (ASIL) because the AKL is deeper. Here is the band, woven with a supplemental warp.

I used Susan J. Foulkes' materials and draft from The Braid Society tutorials, adapting it to my heddle by dropping the outer two threads. In the top photo you can see the string heddles used to pull the supplemental warp pattern threads (the doubled turquoise ones in the center) to the underside of the band as needed.

Later, Bob and I went over to daughter Catherine's house and had a nice visit and an excellent meal. A nice ending to our day.

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